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OSK realisiert für Siemens den exiderdome

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Global roadshow of the Siemens exiderdome


In order to reach out to customers worldwide in an exclusive venue away from the trade show treadmill, in 2006, the Siemens Automation & Drives division embarked on a global tour with its exiderdome. The modular, portable exhibition pavilion serves as a showcase and consultation venue, and also offers meeting and hospitality facilities, on a surface area of 1,000 square meters.

Thanks to its modular design and portability, the exiderdome is a completely autonomous exhibition building. It consists of 35 air-conditioned containers, is appointed with IT and media technology, accommodates exhibits and conference furnishings, and can be deployed in practically any location across the globe. It has served Siemens A&D as a portable exhibition booth, conference building, and forum for meeting existing and prospective customers, partners and job applicants.

With an impressive 360° cinema screen on board showing images tailored to the host city, it has enabled clients, business partners and journalists to explore the A&D product world, either assisted or on their own. The flexible exhibition concept encompasses both interactive and guided tours.

Impressionen: Der Siemens exiderdome kommt nach New York | OSK

Modular design facilitates worldwide transport

The modular design principle adopted for the exhibition facility allowed the 35 individual containers to be transported around the world by rail, air, or sea, and erected quickly and easily at the chosen site. Among the countries visited by the exiderdome are China, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Russia and the USA. It concluded its journey there in New York, after touring various ports – on a barge – in the economic centers along the eastern seaboard.

The exiderdome won the iF communication design award 2007 in the category Corporate Architecture.

Technical data (excerpt):

35 containers
1,000 sqm useful area
220 tons of steel
500 tons gross weight
120 columns
Overall height (stacked): approx. 88 meters
600 light fittings
20 km power cabling
2 km data cabling

This exhibition has little in common with the automation events that take place in unmemorable hotels and convention centers across the country. Judging from a tour of the Exider Dome yesterday in Mexico, this particular exhibition will be pretty hard to forget.


Detroit rocked and you all made that possible. Siemens is very lucky to have such a great partner with such a strong team.

Kimberly Campbell-Djuric, Account Manager Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Troy, Michigan

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